On Saturday / Sunday the 12th / 13th April, 18 "Pilgrims" walked the 30 miles from Crowland Abbey to St James Freiston, arriving in time for the Palm Sunday service.
On the first day, the route went along the Welland, through Spalding and eventually arriving at The Ship at Fosdyke bridge. On the second day the pilgrims walked along the old Roman bank from Fosdyke towards Frampton church. From Frampton church, they headed through Wyberton and then into Boston, crossing the Witham at Bargate bridge. The last stopping point was at Skinners ice cream parlour in Skirbeck. At Freiston church hall they were met be a welcoming party, and then went onto the church.
A huge congratulation to all those participating and also the support crew who looked after the "pilgrims" on route. It was a lovely route, well planned by John and Bridget Posey. The walk was sponsored and we hope over £1000 has been raised for the church.